212 research outputs found

    Risky Sexual Behavior across Extremes of Wealth in sub-Saharan Africa: A Meta-Analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys

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    BACKGROUND: Risky sexual behavior increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted disease including HIV and other reproductive health problems.There have been varying assumptions and different reported result explaining the relationship between risky sexual behavior and wealth. This review was intended to examine the disparity of risky sexual behavior among the two extremes of wealth in sub-SaharanAfrican countries.METHOD: This study reviewed demographic and health survey reports of sub-Saharan African countries. We excluded older reports and reports published in languages other than English. Finally, reports from 16 countries were considered for review. Data were entered in excel and transported to stata for analysis. Metaprop and Metan command were used to compute proportions and odds ratio. Standard chi-square and I square tests were used to assess heterogeneity.RESULT: Pooled prevalence of having multiple sexual partner ranges from 2 to 12%. Over 80% of the countries reported that more than half of the individuals did not use condom at their last risky sexual intercourse. Poorest females were 0.62 [OR: 0.62, 95% CI (0.50, 0.78)] times less likely to have multiple sexual partners than males. Both males and females from the poorest wealth quantile had higher odds of not using condom at their last risky sexual intercourse, 1.41 [OR: 1.41, 95% CI (1.29, 1.53)], 1.41 [OR: 1.46, 95% CI (1.23, 1.73)], respectively.CONCLUSION: Multiple sexual partners is relatively low in the region. Condom non-use is high in both genders. Additionally, poorest males and females were at higher risk of not using a condom at last risky sexual intercourse

    Efektivitas Metode Struktural Analitik Sintetik (SAS) Berbasis Media Kartu Kata Bergambar terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas 1 SD N 157 Palembang

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah kartu kata bergambar berdasarkan analisis struktur sintetik (SAS) membantu siswa kelas I SD N 157 Palembang meningkatkan kemampuan membaca mereka. Desain kelompok kontrol pretest-posttest digunakan dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini. Purposive sampling digunakan untuk sampel penelitian. Siswa kelas 1B dan 1C yang memiliki nilai rendah namun belum mencapai nilai KKM menjadi subjek penelitian ini. Observasi, pengujian, dan dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Uji t (uji t independen) digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis terhadap data yang diperoleh. Tes kemampuan membaca pendahuluan dengan menggunakan metode Synthetic Structural Analytic (SAS) berbasis kartu kata bergambar menghasilkan hasil belajar yang lebih tinggi pada siswa kelas eksperimen, dengan skor pretes 60 dan skor postes 77 dengan kategori tuntas, demikian temuan penelitian. . Sebaliknya, kelompok kontrol memiliki 92 skor posttest dan 52 skor pretest untuk kategori tidak tuntas. Hasil tes kelas eksperimen 8,57 > 0,095 juga didukung. Selain itu, metode Synthetic Structural Analytical (SAS) yang berbasis kartu kata bergambar efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca awal siswa kelas eksperimen jika nilai t hitung 8,123 > 2,021 yang merupakan uji t independent

    Improving Students' Mathematical Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Through Problem Based Learning (PBL) E-Module Development

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    The current curriculum is the 2013 curriculum. In the cognitive domain of this curriculum, students are required to be able to think actively, by focusing on observing critical and creative thinking skills. Mathematics learning is learning that emphasizes solving problems, so participants must be able to think critically and creatively in the learning process. One of the most difficult math material is comparison. SMP Negeri 4 Padang is a school that has an average PH value in mathematics on comparative material which is relatively low. This is because the teaching materials used in the learning process are less attractive and have not been able to hone students' critical and creative thinking skills. One way to overcome this problem is to make interesting teaching materials in accordance with the times. Interesting teaching materials can be in the form of E-Modules, then to hone critical and creative thinking skills students can apply problem-based learning in the E-module . The type of research used is research and development or research and development (R&D). The development model used in this study is the plomp development model. The results of this study are that the E-module is valid and practical, then the average test results for students' mathematical critical thinking abilities after being tested are 84.8% in the very critical category, while the average test results for students' mathematical creative thinking abilities after being tested is 87.7% with a very creative category. This shows that e-module model problem-based learning can assist students in finding comparative concepts. Therefore it can be said that e-module can be categorized in the effective categor

    Application of Machine Learning Techniques for The Prediction of Decompressive Hemicraniectomy Prognosis in Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the world with the number of people suffering from it increasing every year. Ischemic strokes, one of the two main types of stroke, occur when blood clots block brain arteries which leads to infarction eventually leading to brain edema. If not addressed quickly enough it may lead to disability and in worst case scenario may even lead to death. In this thesis we proposed a machine learning based MATLAB tool that aids in speeding up the prognosis of acute ischemic stroke patients. From a set of patient medical data such as patient age, blood pressure reading and infarction volume from first CT scan, we created three prediction models which predict second infarction volume, decision for surgery and treatment time. We also experimented with utilizing the technique of feature reduction and implementing Fuzzy Inference System to consider improving the generated models and combined the best performing models into a MATLAB application

    Harnessing a Refinement Theory to Compute Loop Functions

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    AbstractWe consider a while loop on some space S and we are interested in deriving the function that this loop defines between its initial states and its final states (when it terminates). Such a capability is useful in a wide range of applications, including reverse engineering, software maintenance, program comprehension, and program verification. In the absence of a general theoretical solution to the problem of deriving the function of a loop, we explore engineering solutions. In this paper we use a relational refinement calculus to approach this complex problem in a systematic manner. Our approach has many drawbacks, some surmountable and some not (being inherent to the approach); nevertheless, it offers a way to automatically derive the function of loops or an approximation thereof, under some conditions

    In Retrospect: A Case of Merger in Higher Education

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    Purpose - This study examines the merger of two distinct higher education institutions. The change process was studied from the perspective of multiple stakeholders, and its major outcomes were evaluated in terms of various dimensions of success. Design/methodology/approach - The study uses a qualitative research design. Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions were used, targeting key decisions makers, faculty and students that led or experienced the change process. Findings - Although the merger deal appeared good on paper, it was not executed as well as it could have been, and the aftermath yielded lower than expected returns. The systems were not integrated properly, and cultural elements were overlooked, resulting in an anomic organizational environment, in place of what should have been a more cohesive academic community. Originality/value - This study contributes to the literature by using a micro level approach to study an institutional merger by targeting the perception of key university constituencies, thereby providing in-depth analysis and a multidimensional outlook


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    Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan penerapan metode reading aloud pada anak usia 5-6 tahun dan menjelaskan hasil penambahan kemampuan berbicara anak usia 5-6 tahun di Griya Baca Abukus Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu pengelola, tutor dan orang tua anak usia 5-6 tahun. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara mendalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan tahap reduksi data, display data, verifkasi dan simpulan. Keabsahan data di uji dengan tehnik uji kredibilitas, uji dependabilitas, uji konfirmabilitas dan uji transferabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelenggaraan penerapan metode reading aloud sudah cukup baik. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan adanya karakteristik dan manfaat metode reading aloud yang tercapai dalam penerapannya. Didalam penerapan metode reading aloud terdapat aspek bahasa dan literasi melalui gemar membaca dan menambah kosakata, selain itu didalam menyimak peserta didik terdapat konsentrasi, dan partisipasi. Diskusi didalamnya mencakup pengajuan pertanyaan, pemecahan masalah dan menghargai pendapat. Didalam kemampuan berbicara anak usia 5-6 tahun terdapat aspek kebahasaan dan non kebahasaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan penerapan metode reading aloud, sebagian besar kemampuan berbicara anak usia 5-6 tahun menjadi bertambah. Hal ini didukung dengan indikator dan hasil wawacara yang menunjukkan aspek kebahasaan dan non kebahasaan kemampuan berbicara anak usia 5-6 tahun mengalami penambahan sebesar 54,5% dibuktikan dengan data perkembangan kemampuan berbicara anak. Kata Kunci : Metode Reading Aloud, Kemampuan Berbicara Abstract The purpose of this research is to explain the application of the reading aloud method for children aged 5-6 years and to explain the results of the addition of speaking ability of children aged 5-6 years in Griya Baca Abukus Jombang. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this study are the manager, tutor and parents of children aged 5-6 years. Data were collected by in-depth interview method, observation and documentation. The data were analyzed by data reduction, data display, verification and conclusion. Validity of data in test by technique Test of credibility, dependability test, confirmability test and transferability test. The results showed that the implementation of reading aloud method is good enough. This can be proved by the characteristics and benefits of reading aloud method that was achieved in its application. In the application of reading aloud method there are aspects of language and literacy through reading and adding vocabularies, moreover in listening there are concentration, and participation. The discussion includes asking questions, solving problems and appreciating opinions. In the speaking ability of children aged 5-6 years there are aspects of linguistic and non linguistic. The results indicates that by the application of the reading aloud method, most of the speaking ability of children aged 5-6 years were increased. This was supported by indicators and the results of interviews that show that from the aspects of linguistic and non-linguistic speaking ability of children aged 5-6 years have addition of equal to 54,5% proved with data development of speaking capability. Keywords: Reading Aloud Method, Speaking Capabilit
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